Saturday, February 13, 2010

Evidence Mounts For Towns and New Centers

Northern Virginia Snow and another vote to live in towns and centers (and create new ones):
Just spoke with sis-in-law in Ashburn, near Leesburg and Dulles Airport--burried, but able to get to stores only with 4-wheel drives.

Her comment struck me--"Of course anyone in DC or Arlington can get what they want because they can walk to their stores." Hmmmmm...

Larger Storms, Fuel Price Increases/Shortages and Less Dough for Infrastructure--says we better look to different "living arrangements". Who's ready to make a business out of this? Local banks, locally-owned businesses, smaller industry/manufacturing, nonprofits, local transit....

1 comment:

  1. One of the reasons I enjoy living in Northlake is that I feel like it is becoming its own district more and more with all you need in a tight radius.
